


One of the best ways of experiencing the true Spanish spirit in all its colourful, animated glory, is to visit some of the local ferias and fiestas. 

Malaga restaurants, Bodegón El Pimpi

I stumbled across this wonderful old place with a friend when stolling through the narrow streets of the historic centre of Malaga and it’s well worth a visit!

Feria de Málaga – Every August

Feria de Malaga: an amazing, colourful and entertaing week held mid August each year.

This is a MUST SEE if you are visiting Malaga province in mid August, on of many ferias and fiestas held in Andalusian and across the whole of  Spain, as any day is a chance to party!  The fair lasts a full, fun-packed week and is divided into two parts: the Feria de Dia (daytime fair events) and the Feria de Noche (night fair). THIS YEAR 2012: 13th to 20th August

Shopping in Vélez-Málaga

This is not a bad place to shop!

First and most obvioulsy, a 7 minute drive in the direction of the coast, from Escuela La Crujia will take you to the El Ingenio shopping centre.

Vélez-Málaga – a tour.   Vélez-Málaga – una vuelta por la ciudad.Vélez-Málaga – a tour.   Vélez-Málaga – una vuelta por la ciudad.

Vélez-Málaga – a tour. Vélez-Málaga – una vuelta por la ciudad.

Fascinating and historic Vélez-Málaga, capital city of the area of La Axarquía,  is our home town and well worth a thorough tourEl pueblo fascinante e histórico de Vélez-Málaga, capital del condado de La Axarquía, es nuestra ciudad más cercana y merece la pena dar una vuelta por sus calles..

<!--:en-->About the area<!--:--><!--:es-->Sobre la zona<!--:--><!--:fr-->About the area<!--:--><!--:en-->About the area<!--:--><!--:es-->Sobre la zona<!--:--><!--:fr-->About the area<!--:-->

About the areaSobre la zonaAbout the area

Why stay here?  A quick summary of what to see and do in this
lovely corner of Andalucía

Un resumen breve de lo que hay para ver y hacer
en este rinconcito de Andalucía